LingQ provides robust statistics that are designed to be highly motivating and transparent.

An overview of important statistics and lingo:

  • LingQs: The words students are learning. Students should create a certain amount of new LingQs every day to continue progressing.
    • Students set their daily LingQ goal when they first enter the site. It can be adjusted later in the Home Settings (gear icon) in the homepage. Ranging from 13, 25, 50, to 100.
      • This goal indicates how many new LingQs they should create daily. If they achieve this every day, they will maintain a streak.
    • LingQs are only created while reading.

  • SRS Review: Spaced Repetition System Review. A daily email will generate to each student with their list of Daily LingQs that are due for flashcard review.
    • Words appear on certain days based on:
      • The number ranking the student gave the LingQ (1-4).
      • The lower the ranking, the more frequently the LingQ will appear for review.
      • As words become more familiar, students can increase their ranking and eventually mark them as Known so they're no longer due for review.
    • Students can find a comprehensive list of all their LingQs on the Vocabulary tab.

  • Known Word Count: The number words students mark as “Known” (checkmark), and “Learned” (4). 
    • The difference between Known and Learned: A “Learned” (4) word will appear in SRS review. Known words will not.
    • If a student wants to intentionally practice the word before writing it off as Known, they should mark it as Learned.
    • In general, we encourage students to mark a word as Known when they can understand it in a couple different contexts. However, you can modify this approach if you prefer.
    • Each student can find a detailed summary of their statistics in their Profile.

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