The Playlist is an mp3 player in your LingQ app. It's an easy way to listen to the audio track of any and all of your LingQ lessons.

  • As you complete lessons, they are automatically added to your Playlist which is synced across web and mobile for you. 
  • We recommend listening to the same lessons over and over again, even if you can't understand 100% of the content. When doing mundane tasks around the house or commuting are some of the best times to listen to your lessons.
  • You'll continue adding new lessons into your Playlist as you progress. We encourage you to strike a balance between novelty and repetition. You'll re-listen to the same lessons, but you'll also listen to new ones and use the Shuffle function. Your brain needs a balance of both.
  • After listening to a more challenging lesson, mix things up and go back to one that's easier for you. After listening to the lessons you're more comfortable with, go for a more challenging one. This is how you strike that balance.
  • Always read the lessons you listen to either before or after listening so you can keep building your reading skills and retain your vocabulary. Keep creating LingQs!

Action step: After you've upgraded to LingQ Premium, download the LingQ mobile app and add a lesson to your Playlist.

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