When uploading content to share on LingQ, please refer to the following guidelines:

  1. You must upload text, audio (mp3) and an image for all content.
  2. Content must be free of copyright or you must have permission from the copyright holder.
  3. Content should not contain questionable subject matter, ie. profanity, pornography
  4. Please try to ensure good sound quality by using a good quality microphone.
  5. Audio files must be mp3 files saved at 64 Kbps and 11025, 22050 or 44100 Hz. (Use a program like Audacity to record your sound files and prepare them in the right format.
  6. You must include an image with all content items.
  7. We reserve the right to accept or reject any content that we feel doesn't meet the guidelines above.
  8. All Shared content will appear in the Library right away.