The fact is that recent studies have shown that different learning styles do not exist. Everyone learns the same way. Some learn faster than others but fundamentally all people use all their senses. Images are not something we will be adding since so many words and phrases simply don't have meaningful images. We, in fact, used to offer this feature but removed it to reduce clutter since few used it. Use the review tools to vary things up, or get a handhold when just starting out. Or, to focus on specific types of vocabulary that give you trouble or that you want to learn. (use tags to identify and filter these words) I know it's a different approach but it's more enjoyable and much more efficient. You do have to trust us on this initially. Move on to a new lesson when you understand 70% or so, not a problem. Keep forging ahead and make lots of LingQs. After a month you will be amazed at how much more you understand. After 3 months even more so.